It was a really beautiful month, with lots of colour and rich, rosy-golden sunsets through the garry oaks. I kept looking at things and thinking I should take this or that photo and post it. Sadly, I did not capture the brilliant contrast of the spikey green rosemary against the red of one of the japanese maples in the back. Nor did I document the smoke bush, flaming. I did get this shot of the little maple by the pond, though:
And here is the one miniature cyclamen I have in the bed by the back porch:
I love these things, and there are old, rocky gardens in the neighbourhoods around us that are just littered with them. I want mine to creep like that too, but I may just have to go out and buy a LOT and plant them. They're much better value than the autumn crocus, since they don't flop, and they last for all of September and October and into November.

"Where did the autumn go?"