OK, so I am playing catch-up. I missed May! This post has some photos I took around May 15.
There are quite a few peony bushes in the jardin, but I have to say I haven't really gotten full value from them most years. As soon as they bloom, we seem to get massive downpours that last several days. The huge blossoms then flop and rot. This year, though, we had an unusual combination of early heat, late cool, and concentrated wet. It's given us two rounds of peony blossoms. The first ones got going in early May, and didn't get drenched until I left for a conference on the 28th. Here they are, in all their glory. Notice the pretty alpine geraniums also doing their thing to the left.
Also just getting going in mid-May were my favourite geums. They're still going strong! Here they are against the backdrop of the forget-me-nots.