Well, she thinks she does. I'm out there, aren't I?
Not much of a day for it, though, Harriet - honest. It is wet and drippy and it is trying to snow. Here is one of our epic garden puddles.
And here are some brave croci, each dealing with their own puddles.
Elsewhere, the croci have less water but more mud to deal with. Actually, it is kind of amazing the deer haven't eaten these...yet.
The Christmas rose is a couple of months late, but doing OK. Deer don't like hellebores. Pricklies.
Deer don't like shastas either, which gives these croci some protection. Shastas really are amazing thugs - look at the winter foliage!
What a brave kitty! Admirable!
"What the...?! Did you know it was snowing out here?" |