Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall flowers, cats, and toes


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cats and planters

I took my mum on a Sunday drive to one of my favourite nurseries, just to have a poke around, of course, and ended up with a whole lot of nice little things that needed planting. Of course. A major portion of the little goodies ended up as the bones of a Project, which was to fill up the concrete planters at the head of the driveway (see above) with some colour and texture. (The snapdragon was looking lonely.)
But there were others, too, so it's a good thing that I have/had a lot of empty pots sitting on the deck.
Oh, yes, bag of potting soil, you can relax for now...while I just arrange the iceplants and edelweiss, and consult the locals on the plan.
"Yes, the box definitely looks better without all that stuff in it."
Tough to get constructive criticism from the locals.  It's like herding cats.
"Where are you going?"
Well, at least Oz took some interest.
"I approve."
For a while.
"Sleepy now."
Getting there.  Looks nice!
"Yeah whatever."
All done!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

L'après-midi d'un fawn

Look what mama deer produced in our back yard on a gorgeous, warm Victoria Day holiday Monday! The geek took this shot an hour or so after baby arrived - you can see s/he's still wet and a bit wobbly. It is really fun to watch those back legs learning how to work for, instead of against, baby's wishes!

They stayed until the next morning.  I saw baby taking another, now less-wobbly practice trip around the yard as I left for my run. When I got back, mama decided she'd had enough of my oggling, and they slowly made their way out through the cedar hedge.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cat wants out?

Well, she thinks she does. I'm out there, aren't I?

Not much of a day for it, though, Harriet - honest. It is wet and drippy and it is trying to snow. Here is one of our epic garden puddles.
And here are some brave croci, each dealing with their own puddles.

Elsewhere, the croci have less water but more mud to deal with. Actually, it is kind of amazing the deer haven't eaten these...yet.

The Christmas rose is a couple of months late, but doing OK. Deer don't like hellebores. Pricklies.
Deer don't like shastas either, which gives these croci some protection. Shastas really are amazing thugs - look at the winter foliage!

What a brave kitty! Admirable!
"What the...?! Did you know it was snowing out here?"