
After removing half a branch from the acer:

Already an improvement, I think. Now I really do need to go in there and thin the plox. In case you're getting tired of looking at that same view, here is another:

From left to right: euphorbia, curry plant, lavender. All the purple flowers seem to be thriving this year. I left last summer's dried bloom stalks on this lavender bush until late March. Then I cut all the dead-looking woody bits back to the little buds of green that were starting to show down by the roots. It seems to have liked the haircut. It's really hard to know when to prune, and how much to take off. I still haven't figured out the curry plant's cycle. The books don't help. They're full of "when does it bloom, on new or old wood, from branch points or from the ground, etc." Do I pay attention at the right times? Nope. So I'm glad the lavender experiment worked, and now I've got it documented.
Oh, OK, here are the deux chats:
You're right, the after is much better. The tree has a very nice round shape now, but it also lets the eye see the bits underneath nicely.
H looks as though she's contemplating swatting Oz.
Harriet looks like she's whispering something rude to Oz. Or setting him up for some kind of trick...
Actually, this is the preamble to a pretty common occurrence: H dives in toward Oz to lick his head, then slowly works her way around to his neck, then bites said neck. Then Ozzie protests, rolls over on his back and starts biting H on the leg. Then they both roll around, channeling Calvin & Hobbes, with Oz wailing (even though he's not really losing), until they suddenly spring apart, and pretend they don't even know each other.
So both of your comments pretty much pegged it.
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