Imagine my delight, when, surfing the web for gardens in Osaka, I came across one with a description that said, "For 11 months of the year, this is a pleasant but otherwise unremarkable open space close to Yodogawa Park. But every year from late May through mid-June, it is home to a magnificent display of irises." Hey, it's late May now!

The garden was not quite at its prime, but that made it easier to really see the ones that were in bloom. It's a lovely, peaceful spot, nestled in a park between two freeways. Strangely, I was not the only person there taking pictures.

We saw some wildlife, too.

Having trouble seeing the wildlife in the last photo? Here's an expansion:

They sure make a lot of noise for their size! and they're not actually very pretty. So here are some more iris to finish up.

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