Some people like comfrey and tout it as an outstanding source of nitrogen-laden compost. The stuff in the jardin just won't quit, despite our best efforts to do nothing but turn it into compost. Every time Mum comes to visit she digs out more...from the exact same spot! Believe it or not, the above patch was completely comfrey-free in July. It was a beautiful, clear palette, into which she introduced some lovely pulmonaria with flowers ranging from lavender-blue through to white. Can you see the pulmonaria?

"So keep digging, then!"
The goddess-chat imposes Sisyphusian task from on high. Pussyphusian task. Not far off the mark, actually, since extracting comfrey-root from around struggling pulmonaria requires beaucoup de pussyfooting. Here's as far as I got in October, am scared to see what will be there when I get home at the end of December.
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