Our spring-blooming clematis is really a wonder (geek shot above). It's the one featured in my blog photo (up to the right), covering the arbor over the gate on the way into the back yard. The only year it didn't give us this mass of blooms in April was when I indulged in extreme, therapeutic pruning after Grandmama passed away in February of 2008. (Wrong season!) Although the blooms were sparse that year, since then it has rebounded with admirable vigor.
Here it was in April this year - look how high up the corner of the house it had climbed!
Actually, it was starting to freak me out. I've never really recovered from being assigned "Day of the Triffids" to read in junior high school, and it sure looked like this thing was trying to get into my attic. Truly creepy!
Here's what it looked like late on Friday afternoon...
...before I did this:
Whole lotta snippin' goin' on! Some of what I hauled down was actually white, instead of green - proof that it was already exploring under the roof!
Of course, there's still the huge canopy on top of the arbor itself that I didn't quite get to. Yet. We have to duck our heads to get under it. Pretty in the afternoon light, though.
From Mum:
"Fantastic! and the siding looks to be in good shape despite the lengthy covering. I seem to remember doing some minor dead bits removal on the arbor section when I was there in March and wondering if I was disturbing the bloom to come - well I guess not. I can't help thinking about the probable size of the root system. It will be interesting to see what happens next. Lovely photos all."
Just showing Mum how to leave a comment. Impressive entry--ho ho Day of the Triffids. Scared me too!
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