Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'

Helpful blog reader (aka Mum) went off and looked up the tree I referred to as "the weeping, umm, oh help, what is it?  Something pacifica."

I knew it had an ocean in it somewhere.

In her email, Mum also included the rest of the entry from the reference book: "Dirr describes it as "a weeping form with bluish foliage; the branches cascade like water over rocks; must be staked to develop a strong leader; truly a beautiful clone; have seen many in gardens and each is slightly different due to training, pruning, and staking in the early years.""

Is it just me, or is this not an urgent request to get out there and stake the damn thing?

OK, I am projecting a little bit, since we did have this conversation last March. "You know, you need to help it along if you want it to go taller. It needs to be trained - just pick a little branch and stake it upright."  And, later in the week, "I just found this little piece of wire.  I'm putting it in the tool shed with the other garden stuff, because it would be the perfect weight for training a leader branch on the cedar. You know, if and when you feel like doing that."

Sheesh.  Alright already!   Here we go.








And finally:

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