Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Lovely autumn

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It was a long, slow, golden fall.
I mentioned in the previous post the unusual density of apple blossom last spring. Sure enough, we ate apples until we couldn't stand them any more, and explored many variations on crumbles and pies. But it was an unusually fecund summer all round.
photo by dmg
The English oak was no exception. It produced millions of acorns, like nothing we had ever seen before.  Or heard - all through August and September these things were coming down, hitting the ladders leaned up against the woodshed ping ping thwack all night long.

The phenomenon drew lots of visitors. The squirrels gave jaw-dropping displays of aerobatics. The raccoons were clumsier but no less determined. Mama deer began to spend more and more time simply hanging out.
And we have a new neighbour.

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