Saturday, October 24, 2009

Harriet the junkie

Home for a quick visit a couple of weeks ago. Gave the lawn a long-overdue mow, then spent a little time wandering around with Ozzie and Harriet, inspecting the late-summer/early-fall jardin. Here's what the deux chats think about manual labour:
But once the work is done, they can be persuaded to join in the walk-about.
Lots to see: the apples are hanging on, the spiders are working hard, the ceanothus is so relieved I didn't hack it back that it is having a second bloom.

We headed around to check out the asters and the helianthus.

This is when Harriet remembered what is really great about a freshly mown lawn. Quite apart from the fact that it is pretty, and easier for someone whose belly is only a few inches off the ground to walk across, there is also inevitably some inadvertently-shorn cat mint.
Whoa! Quel arĂ´me!
Oh yeah, this is great stuff.

Life is good.


LittleOrangeLibrarian said...

We have cat mint too but when the little orange guy gets into it, he gets really mean! Bad stone.

lisarose said...

LOLib: Yeah, O&H are like that with the dried catnip they get as gifts. It's all good fun until someone gets hurt.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos!
xo CW