Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oz does sunset walkabout

Gorgeous day!  Finally pulled out the camera just as the sun was getting low, and since the chow dish hadn't yet been filled, Ozzie accompanied me.  Here he is catching a few rays while I try to get arty with the macro autofocus.
The spring garden is working its usual magic, enhanced this year by some serious attention from Mum in March, and Andrew's Polish edging and trimming. As you can see above, though, I've got a serious horsetail problem I need to get working on.

Meanwhile, acer, scilla, and candytuft!
Blue stuff and yellow stuff! (Yellow stuff is "basket of gold" but I am blanking on the blue stuff.)
Oz sees me heading back across the garden toward the deck, and gets up to follow me.
He is disappointed, though, as I head under the (big) apple tree for some blossom shots.
Ok. Now...chow?
Oh OK.

1 comment:

teya r. said...

Gorgeous Oz.