Friday, July 11, 2008


Almost every day, as I step out the back door and head off to work, I see something new or different in the garden and think, "I should get a picture of that for Mum".  Or for me, so I'll remember three months from now what was blooming where.  Sometimes I'm able to convince the geek to take some spectacular documentary shots. Let's see if I can actually get into the habit of collecting and posting these images.

To start with, here's Harriet in the jardin sometime in the spring of 2005, I think.
Doesn't she just look so intelligent and alert?  Here's what she hasn't noticed:


Lisa Gould said...

OK I seem to have passed the GOOGLEACCOUNT test. So.. Congrats. on the BLOG!!

I won't repeat my other message as it is in the email I sent. But very good for you! Will you post a message about Ozzie's worms?

lisarose said...

LG: eeew, I think not!

littleorangeguy said...

oh come on, why not????

looking good!

Anonymous said...

I would like to hear about the worms!

Lisa Gould said...

Well well, it seems that everyone wants to hear about Ozzie's worms, so spill the beans! However, as these aren't worms of the composting variety, but rather of the nematode ilk, it might not be something to read whilst snacking or chowing down on breakfast or lunch.

lisarose said...

LG, quit that! The important thing is that he got his pills, and now he is not waking me up at 4am demanding chow, NOW!