The cats really love it when Mum comes for spring training. Not only does it mean that someone is at home all day (providing food security), and that the heat is on and the comforter fluffy in the guest bedroom, but it also means that there is LOTS going on out in the jardin, all of which needs to be inspected. Yessiree, when Mum is ready for action, so are the deux chats!

Here is one of the jardin's "rooms", looking south toward Ted and Mary Anne's garden, behind the friendship gate. Ted and Mary Anne also really enjoy it when Mum is here working in the garden - someone to talk to! (As opposed to the geek and I, who simply wave once in a while, and keep lights on at all sorts of strange hours. Well, that's mostly the geek, not me. He can't help it - he's a geek!) Anyway, you can see from the tools and the clean lines that Mum's been hard at work. Yes, it's true, I don't do a very good job of deadheading the cornflowers each June (it's conference season), so they are everywhere, along with something else Susanne calls "bugleweed", although Mum says that's not the bugleweed SHE knows. And goutweed, and horsetail (a true thug), and buttercups and some little geranium-like thing.

Here's Miss H posing in front of another little garden room, over by the oak tree and cedar hedge between us and the hospital, to the east. It's easy to catch her over there in the evenings because it gets the final bit of sunshine. Also, a lot of wildlife passes through there, via the oak tree, so there's always plenty to sniff. I really love this little section in the springtime, it is so full of colours and textures.

Miss H has a challenge for you (can't you tell, from the look on her face?): in the next, final photo, how many different trees, plants, shrubs and flowers can you name? If you click on the photo, it should give you a larger version in a separate window. Send me your list in the comments section before April 15. I'll mail a box of
Purdy's hedgehogs to the person who lists the most correct names.
Nobody's going to play, are they? Oh well, at least that saves me having to (a) make up an answer key and (b) share my hedgehogs.
I'm going to play, but I'm waiting until the last moment so no one steals any of my answer. Have I been teaching for too many years or wha?
Wow, I mistook strategy for apathy! There is a lesson in here somewhere.
Me? Apathetic? I can't imagine where you got that idea. Sheesh.
An ENTRY!!!! From my friend Jim:
I have no knowledge of flowers – in fact I can just about identify a rose – but you seem to have been slightly abandoned by your blogging friends. As you can tell, I have cheated to get up to a level of gross incompetence.
Little blue flower
Non sprouted flower plant - tulip
Little yellow flower - daffodil
Little white flower – wait, a friend says that’s jonquil
Little magenta flower – oh, wait, that’s probably the tulip
Little pink flower
Another little white flower
Another little short blue flower – wait, a friend says it grape hyacinth
Still another little white flower
Yet another little white flower – same friend says that’s alyssum
And again another little white flower
A tree
Coupla shrubs
There, someone has to finish last
Somewhat ashamedly cheers,
Argh--no time to make my list now--will have to do it this evening. I like Jim's list though. Vaguely specific. Or specifically vague?
My list:
grape hyacinths--boatloads of them
tulip (gorgeous magenta)
a sedum? (big leaves, pink flowers)
droopy twiggy thing: japanese maple?
That's all I can get, even with my extra strength reading glasses.
I think Teya should be disqualified. She posted on the 15. The contest said "before the 15".
I think Daniel should.....never mind, it's too rude. Besides, everyone knows that before the 15th actually means before the 15th is over.
In any case, I think Jim's list should win regardless of timing--it is much more in the Monet style of representation--more impressionistic, like the garden scene in the picture.
Thank you all for your comments!
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