Here's the divine Miss H, flashing her red carpet look. Eat your hearts out, Mo'Nique, Amanda Palmer, and Julia Roberts.
OK, before I announce the results from Harriet's Challenge, here's a pic with labels for everything I could identify in the early spring oak meadow in the jardin. Some of it was pretty tricky, since there was foliage but no bloom yet. As usual (although I've been having some trouble with the new blogger editor) you should be able to click on the photo to get a larger version.
There are two honourable mentions. First, littleorangeguy, for a very perceptive analysis of the scilla in the geek's photo from the last blog entry, even though that wasn't actually the official competition photo. Second, Cornelia, for coming over and reminding me that the shrub I'd labeled "glossy-evergreen-broadleaf-must-ask-mum" in the original key was actually a Mexican orange.
We have a tie for first place. Teya got 12 points for correct-or-close-enough answers. Jim got 7 points for same, but was awarded 5 bonus points for style and for making me laugh very hard on an otherwise blah kind of day.
Thanks to everyone for playing! Prizes will wend their way toward you soon, if I don't eat them first and then have to go out and buy more.

"What's all the fuss about?"
I think Teya should be disqualified. She has some kind of genetic pre-disposition.
littleorangeguy, you'd deny the woman her hedgehogs when there are just two weeks left in the semester?
Not only two weeks left in the semester, but two sets of annotated bibliographies, two sets of research papers, one set of essays, and two sets of exams left to mark. Heck, everyone should be sending me chocolate. Not to mention booze.
Hmph. And a cleaning lady.
I forgot to say how gorgeous Miss H looks. What a tempting tummy.
I do not think I merit a honorable mention, since mexican orange is probably one out of 5 plant names I know. But the chocolates are yummy during my office hours.
Cornelia, your humility is admirable, but have you never heard the expression "fake it 'til you make it"?
They will just melt on the way to Texas anyway ... but allright.
Who-hoo! Sugary sweets! Although I will honestly admit that I didn't read the prize offering carefully and thought I was getting a cactus - - - with little pink flowers.
Very educational! Keep them coming.
Jim, I could get you a cactus instead, if you like? I mean, it's kind of like a hedgehog, with the prickles and all. Besides, I already ate your prize. Once.
So how many times have you eaten my prize, lisarose?
Littleorangeguy--no worries about melty chocolate, we're actually having a "cool" spring. It hasn't been over 26C yet. So there.
(PS. May be stopping by to visit in June. More later. I won't be bringing chocolatey hedgehogs,though, probably cuz lisarose will have eaten them).
This is weeks and weeks late, but Harriet is looking ever so lovely and divine on the red carpet.
BTW the 'word verification'word for my post is 'puradtt' which is how some of my students would actually spell 'purred' I am sure.
Hmmm how do I get an identity for this post?? Not working. Hint. Other Lisa.
This is weeks and weeks late, but Harriet is looking ever so lovely and divine on the red carpet.
BTW the 'word verification'word for my post is 'puradtt' which is how some of my students would actually spell 'purred' I am sure.
Good lord, I am having serious trouble posting this...and must post as 'Anonymous' but here's a hint...Other...Lisa
Hedgehogs here to greet us on our return from West Virginia where, incidentally, littleorangelibrarian became a birder. See blog. Teya, it would be great to see you!
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