Saturday, February 26, 2011


Everything cool (as it were) seems to happen on a Wednesday. Woke up to that heavy quiet that says there's a good blanket out there, and that unmistakable glow through the bedroom window.  Snow, snow, and more snow! And cold, too, so it was lovely powder.

Of course, not everyone at our house was pleased by this.
Oz kinda wanted to come in, but I think he also really needed to pee.  Just after this, he took off through the snow drift, like Snoopy in the tall grass, to get to clearer ground under the oak tree.

I headed out to try out my turquoise shovel and admire the scenery. Here's the back deck, looking toward Ted and Mary Anne's place. 
 Here's the view up through the cherry tree branches in the front yard.
And looking back at the house from the driveway as I was shoveling.
Or not. Such a pretty shovel!
And when I finished up and went back inside, here's who I found. I guess that was enough leaping through snowbanks for one, um, year?


teya r. said...

Gorgeous snow and cute Ozzie toes.

Anonymous said...

Where'd you get that shovel??
I want one, the once-every-two-year shovelling that we must do here would be ever so much easier with a turquoise one. I've got the standard black Canadian Tire $13 model.
Did H. ever go outside?


LittleOrangeLibrarian said...

We got the same snow last night but somehow it doesn't look as nice as yours.
Nice shovel, too. Trust a Rosenberg to have a fashion shovel.

teya r. said...

Say--has that snow melted yet?

lisarose said...

oh ha ha TR.

I am leaving it up in solidarity with St. John's, who've had three Shelia's Brushes in a row.

Will show cherry blossoms soon.